The Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) datasets are small area measures of
relative deprivation across each of the constituent nations of the United
Kingdom. Areas are ranked from the most deprived area (rank 1) to the least
deprived area....
This record contains legacy data resources and corresponding files published
by CDRC which are not part of CDRC's current work but are retained on CDRC
Data for research reproduceability purposes. Please see each resource page
for its...
The PDV Consumer Lifestyle Surveys contain two consumer datasets managed and
supplied by PDV Ltd, called DLG and MyOffers (MO). Their principal use is as
consumer lifestyle data products for data-driven marketing campaigns in the
County Court Judgement (CCJs) Aggregated
These data consist of County Court Judgement Records aggregated to the Middle
Layer Super Output Area (MSOA) level. They are available from 2015 onwards
for England and Wales.
The data are supplied by...
The Residential Mobility and Deprivation (RMD) data provide yearly Local
Authority District (LAD) level estimates of the mean differences of
residential mobility and deprivation of all known adults’ moves to, from
and within each neighbourhood...
The British Population Survey (BPS) was a regularly run survey with monthly
face-to-face historical data from 2008 to 2015. It aimed to capture the
socio-economic and consumer characteristics of the population of Great
Britain. Data includes...
The British Population Survey (BPS) was a regularly run survey with monthly
face-to-face historical data from 2008 to 2015. It aimed to capture the
socio-economic and consumer characteristics of the population of Great
Britain. Data includes...
The dataset contains footfall counts in Leeds City Centre supplied by Leeds
City Council. There are 10 cameras around the city that monitor numbers of
people walking past. These cameras calculate numbers on an hourly basis.
The raw data is...
This dataset contains indexed house price data from January 1995 to December
2021 at county geographic level. Updates beyond December 2021 may also be
available. It has been supplied by MIAC Analytics.
This dataset contains index and associated...
The dataset contains indexed rental data from January 1995 to January 2022 at
county geographic level. Updates beyond January 2022 may also be available.
It has been supplied by MIAC Analytics.
Field level metadata is provided in the table...