The Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) datasets are small area measures of
relative deprivation across each of the constituent nations of the United
Kingdom. Areas are ranked from the most deprived area (rank 1) to the least
deprived area....
Residential Mobility and Deprivation (RMD) data provide yearly estimates of
the mean differences of residential mobility and deprivation of all known
adults’ moves to, from and within each neighbourhood. Data are provided for
1997-2023 on...
The Residential Mobility and Deprivation (RMD) data provide yearly Local
Authority District (LAD) level estimates of the mean differences of
residential mobility and deprivation of all known adults’ moves to, from
and within each neighbourhood...
This record contains legacy data resources and corresponding files published
by CDRC which are not part of CDRC's current work but are retained on CDRC
Data for research reproduceability purposes. Please see each resource page
for its...