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Data: London Output Area Classification 2011

* Shapefiles
- LOAC_London (.shp,.prj,.dbf,.shx): Shapefile
* Tables
- LOACInputData.csv: Input data
- LOAC_Lookup.csv: LOAC lookup table
* Maps
- AtlasSuper.pdf - Borough maps of Supergroups
- AtlasGroups.pdf - Borough maps of Groups
- GroupLondon.pdf - London Group Map
- SuperGroupLondon.pdf - London Supergroup Map
* metadata.xml: Meta Data
* readme.txt: Information about the CDRC 2011 LOAC Geodata
* LOACOverviewReport.pdf: Overview report about LOAC

* oa_code: Output Area code (2011 Version)
* supgrp_cd: Supergroup code for this Output Area
* grp_cd: Group code for this Output Area

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