Residential Mobility and Energy Performance Certificate (RMEPC) data are
compiled through the linkage of Linked Consumer Registers (LCRs), and
Domestic Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) at a property level.
The data provide average and...
The Distances of Residential Moves (DoRM) Index dataset provide yearly
estimates of the median straight-line distances of all known residential
moves to, from, and within each Local Authority District (LAD) in the UK from
1997 onwards. The index...
The Residential Mobility and Deprivation (RMD) data provide yearly Local
Authority District (LAD) level estimates of the mean differences of
residential mobility and deprivation of all known adults’ moves to, from
and within each neighbourhood (...
These data combine historical electoral roll and linked consumer register
data (on surnames, forenames and locations) from 1997 onwards, with an
aggregated metric derived from ONS data which lists the most frequently
selected second-level...
The Residential Mobility Index provides an estimate of the "churn" of the
residential population in the UK - the proportion of households that have
changed between the beginning of 2023 and the end of each of each year going
back to 1997.