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CDRC Modelled Ethnicity Proportions (LSOA Geography)

The Modelled Ethnicity Proportions (LSOA Geography) dataset aggregates population ethnicity categories across the UK to the Lower level Super Output Area (LSOA) scale. It combines historical electoral roll and linked consumer register data (on surnames, forenames and locations) from 1997 onwards, with a special aggregated metric* derived from ONS data that lists the most frequently selected second-level category for most common forenames and surnames**. The dataset has also been mapped as an open-access dataset at the Local Authority (LA) geography scale.

Aggregated ethnicity categories used (codes in the data files):
• ABD - Asian/Asian British: Bangladeshi
• ACN - Asian/Asian British: Chinese
• AIN - Asian/Asian British: Indian
• APK - Asian/Asian British: Pakistani
• AAO - Asian/Asian British: Any Other
• BAF - Black/Black British: African
• BCA - Black/Black British: Caribbean
• WBR - White: British (including English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish)
• WIR - White: Irish
• WAO - White: Any Other
• OXX - Any Other Ethnic Group (including Mixed; Black/Black British: Any Other; Arab; All Other Ethnicities; &c.)

Users of this dataset should be mindful that this is data on ethnicity categories, and not showing migration, citizenship, nationality, or country of origin. The roll/ registers have been linked together for data inferring and cleaning, to provide population continuity and result in a smoother, higher quality temporal output.

Please note: this dataset replaces the previous version of CDRC Modelled Ethnicity Proportions (1997-2020). This version is only available upon request.

An older version of this dataset was first use for the GISRUK Data Challenge in early 2018. The data distributed here has been updated with new data and is no longer directly comparable with the challenge dataset.

*The data was derived as part of a ESRC-funded project 'Ethnicity Estimator' - Virtual Microdata Laboratory project number: 0000013. It is a diagnostic table resulting from the application of CDRC algorithms. The aggregate data was provided by ONS within the VML.

** See the section 'What is the recommended ethnic group question for use on a survey in England?' at

University College London (UCL)
Additional Info: 


ONS; CDRC Linked Consumer Register


Data provided by the Consumer Data Research Centre, an ESRC Data Investment: ES/L011840/1, ES/L011891/1

Release Date
Spatial / Geographical Coverage Location
Great Britain
Temporal Coverage
January 1997 to January 2023
Todd, James; van Dijk, Justin; Li, Wen; Lansley, Guy; Kandt, Jens
Contact Name
Oliver O'Brien
Contact Email
POLYGON ((-8.9948498999 49.688302644, 2.0867431164 49.688302644, 2.0867431164 61.0684288668, -8.9948498999 61.0684288668, -8.9948498999 49.688302644))

Data Extent

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