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652 results
Technical Report: Research Ready Smart Data
- CDRC Residential Mobility and Deprivation (RMD) Index (LAD Geography)
Technical Report: Research Ready Smart Data
- CDRC Residential Mobility and Deprivation (RMD) Index (LSOA Geography)
Technical Report: Research Ready Smart Data
- CDRC Distances of Residential Moves (DoRM) Index (LAD Geography)
Technical Report: Research Ready Smart Data
- CDRC Distances of Residential Moves (DoRM) Index (LSOA Geography)
Technical Report: Research Ready Smart Data
- CDRC Residential Mobility and Energy Performance Certificate (RMEPC) Index (LAD Geography)
Technical Report: Research Ready Smart Data
- CDRC Residential Mobility and Energy Performance Certificate (RMEPC) Index (LSOA Geography)