The Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) datasets are small area measures of relative deprivation across each of the constituent nations of the United Kingdom. Areas are ranked from the most deprived area (rank 1) to the least deprived area. Each nation publishes its data on its own data portal. Each nation measures deprivation in a slightly different way but the broad themes include income, employment, education, health, crime, barriers to housing and services, and the living environment.
CDRC has collected the datasets together and republished them here. The republished files are separate English, Welsh, Scottish, and Northern Irish IMD data, calculated for different years. The statistical unit areas used to provide indices of relative deprivation across the country are Lower layer Super Output Areas (LSOAs) [England, Wales], Data Zones [Scotland] and Super Output Areas or Wards [Northern Ireland].
We also provide a number of value added versions, including a consolidated "Harmonised" version which combines the four nations together (without reweighting), and a rebased English IMD just for London - the CDRC London IMD 2019 (English IMD 2019 Domains rebased). This re-ranks the English IMD for just the LSOAs in London, and splits these into deciles. The attributes used in the ranking remain unchanged. The English IMD 2019 rebased version of the file is mapped on on Trust for London's London Poverty Profile. The Index has been published by CDRC only and is not an official government statistic.
Many of the IMD datasets included here have been mapped on CDRC Mapmaker, included the Harmonised version shown in the embedded map on this page.
The related links section below includes a number of additional resources such as published papers that use the CDRC Harmonised Index.
Quality, Completeness and Bias
As official government statistics, the quality of the indices is believed to be very high, and complete - covering every small statistical unit area of the United Kingdom at regular intervals. Each home nation tunes its version of the index to meet local needs, resulting in different emphasises (and so biases) for each nation.
Field | Value |
DOI | 10.20390/enginddepriv2015 |
Attribution | Data provided by the Consumer Data Research Centre, an ESRC Data Investment: ES/L011840/1, ES/L011891/1 |
Source | DLUHC, OCSI, NISRA, Scottish Government |
Data and Resources
- Data: CDRC Harmonised IMD 2019csv
Simple (non-reweighted) combination of the English IMD 2019, Welsh IMD 2019...
Preview Download - Data: CDRC London IMD 2019csv
A rebased version of the English IMD 2019. Overall index, domains and...
Preview Download - Data: English IMD 2019zip
LSOA 2011 geography. For definitions of the inputs, consult the official...
Download - Data: English IMD 2010 (2011 LSOAs)/2015csv
LSOA 2011 geography. The 2010 data is created by CDRC by inferring from the...
Preview Download - Contextual Notetxt
Remarks, corrections and source footnotes from the original publishers of...
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Field | Value |
Modified | 2025-01-30 |
Release Date | 2020-01-16 |
Frequency | Quadrennial |
Spatial / Geographical Coverage Location | United Kingdom |
Language | English |
Granularity | LSOA11CD, DZ11CD, NI SOA11CD, LSOA01CD, DZ01CD, NI SOA01CD |
Author | |
Contact Name | Oliver O'Brien |
Contact Email | |
Public Access Level | Public |