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Priority Places for Food Index Version 2.1

DOI: 10.20390/ppfi2
Creator: Consumer Data Research Centre
Contributor: Which?
Distributor: Consumer Data Research Centre
Is New Version Of:
Publisher: Consumer Data Research Centre
Publication Year: 2024
Subject: Food and beverages
Language: English
Resource General Type: Dataset
Resource Type: Area index and domain ranks
Version: 2.1
Description: Location, ranks and deciles for the combined index and its contributory domains across the UK. This second version reflects changes to the data and policy landscape, in particular data relating to Free School Meals eligibility, food retailer locations, foodbanks and area socio-demographics.

The following statement should be included when citing the use of this dataset: "The data for this research have been provided by the Consumer Data Research Centre (CDRC), an ESRC Data Investment. Funding references ES/L011840/1; ES/L011891/1. The Priority Places for Food Index Version 2.1 was developed by the CDRC at the University of Leeds in collaboration with Which?."

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filesize3.27 MB
resource typefile upload
timestampJul 10, 2024