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Contextual Note: Active and Passive Green Spaces in AHAH v2

The greenspace indicator labelled as 'active' is based on the distance people have to travel to their nearest greenspace access point conducive to physical activity. This includes the following categories:

  • public park or garden,
  • play space,
  • playing field,
  • tennis court.


  • bowling greens and golf courses which are mostly private access only;
  • ‘other’ sports facilities which were typically indoor recreation centres;
  • religious grounds and cemeteries because many were just the religious building and were not necessarily ‘green’.

The measure is built up from analysis at the postcode level. Distances from each postcode centroid along road networks to the nearest greenspace access point are calculated. Postcodes are matched to LSOAs and an average is taken to get an LSOA score (mean value).
The second greenspace indicator labelled as ' passive' is based on the proportion of greenspace within a 900 meter buffer (~15 mins walk) from where people live. As above, distances are measured from postcode centroids before creating LSOA level averages. This measure includes the following categories:

  • public park or garden
  • playing field
  • golf course
  • allotments or community growing space
  • cemetery.


  • play space, bowling green, tennis court and religious grounds

...because these areas were not considered to enhance the ‘green’ environment, often being behind fences etc.

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